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This is all the old news, yes even the stuff from the old site!

9 - 10 - 02 [ I think?]

The band are about to release their debut EP "zero*zero*one" through Copro  Records on the 21st October. The EP has been produced by Andy Sneap. The track listing for this EP is as follows:

Minus 10*
Anatomy Of A Hero
Reclamation Program
Out Of The Black

* Demo MP3 are available via the bands Official Site.

This will be followed by a UK Tour, that DOESN'T INCLUDE A BELFAST DATE, for some strange and bizarre reason. I'm sure they play here soon.

If the graphics and pictures are familiar to you that is because they are all stolen from the bands official site. I am very sorry about this but this material is limited and I am using what little resources I can get, needless to say in time I will find new pictures and perhaps even make some of my own graphics, although the latter is not likely!

19 - 10 - 02

The new EP has received reviews in Kerrang! and Rock Sound, there may be more but I haven't seen them. There is also a 2 page article in rock sound with The Blueprint, the general gist of the article is the start of the band and Karl talking a little bit about how this band will feels better then earthtone9 did near the end. The Rock Sound review was sounded quite promising giving it 7 out of 10, I think, it's the first time I've bought Rock Sound. However the Kerrang! review was quite disappointing , especially after the band featured in the 21 New Bands You Must Hear a few weeks back. They had the nerve to say that The Blueprint weren't as good as it's members other bands. For one The Blueprint are a completely different band from Consumed or Pitchshifter or earthtone9, it doesn't say anywhere that they have to sound like their other  bands, they only awarded it KKK, and to top it all off they give One By One a really shittie review,  come on this is the cooperation that ran Foo Fighter Week on their Digital TV Station, that awarded them with a place in their Hall Of Fame a little under 8 weeks ago and has generally been creating hype about this new album, just kinda shows you how stupid Kerrang! can be. Coincidently both of the Kerrang! reviews kept going on about Strepsils, wankers.

For anyone who will be going out and buying zero*zero*one it is priced at a bargain price of £7.99, well that's the price at the Virgin Megastores website, and to be honest there is only one thing that could stop me form buying it on Monday, I'm currently skint, and unemployed, and a full time student, and very lazy, etc.

26 - 10 - 2002

Well today I finally got hold of a copy of the new disk from The Blueprint, zero*zero*one, and all I can say is that it's been worth the waiting, and all the walking, and the fact that I had to buy a new keyboard and screen, not really, but I was getting pissed off with the FUCKING INTERNET, [ "Why won't you $%^&ing take the *()_ number you piece of !"£$, this is the last :@<> time I ever do my god damn shopping on you !"£"$%^& piece of over priced ^*&(" etc]. Well on Monday morning, I awoke and watched The Box [Smash Hits You Control] and more imporntantly Dirty by Christina Aquilera, or was it Complicated by Avril Lavigne, I really don't remember, but I did watch it very very closely, yes, hmm, Christina and Avril, oh shit dribble! Well any way I got the train to College, it was rain like a bitch, got off the train was still raining as I walked up to the first independent record shop and had a brief look to see if he had it, no but he had the unaffordable Foo  Figthers Album, I asked, nope, haven't got it, on to the next shop, and the next and the next and the next and then were was no where else to go, and I was wetter than a member of Wet Wet Wet who was making a porno movie in the rain, so I trudged home, downtrodden, unfulfilled and above all very sad and wet of course. So then Mum suggest getting on the internet. Great idea, until you come to try and pay for it and they ask for some weird assed number that we've never heard of, now see above. Anyway I had to go to Belfast today, even through it's meant to have been Saigon today due to the Firemen and the Army or something, so I head to Virgin, they haven't got it, then I head over to HMV with the Student Discard Card, and there shinning like the Holy Grail is a copy of The Blueprint - zero*zero*one, my search is over, I got the last copy, or maybe the only copy, who know, I got it and nothing else matters. Anyway it kicks ass, if you've heard the demo material or Minus 10 on the radio or the on with etc] well maybe not improve my life, there's no hope for me, but it is good and I think I shall listen to it for many months or years.


Quick News - 28 -10 - 2002

Well this is just a quickie, to tell you all that those lovely blokes who make up The Blueprint replied to my Interview E-mail thing and you can read the whole uncut thing at the new Interview page, I would like to also apologise for their strange use of grammar.

News - 29 - 11 - 2002

Ohkay so I haven't updated the site in quite some time, but in all honesty there has been little to no new news. However this week I did send an e-mail to The Blueprint asking if there was to be a Belfast gig soon. Matt was nice enough to e-mail back to give me some new news.  There is no Belfast gig as of yet, however I get the impression that they will come next year after the release of the 2nd EP. Which swiftly moves me on the next thing. Matt says that they will be recording the next EP in January. There should be six songs on it and no interludes, they will be incorporated into the songs. There are no demo MP3's as of yet but I expect them with in the next 2 weeks or so. Matt also said that they are going to really work hard on this EP and want to make a serious improvement on the last [zero*zero*] one. Matt also commented on the 36 Crazyfists, who I saw last Sunday at the Limelight in Belfast. They were excellent and I had a great night, click here to see some pictures of me and Brock Lindow [vocals] and Mick Whitney [bass]. Matt, like I also loves their album, Bitterness The Star, if you haven't heard it go now! I also saw the Foo Fighters at The Point in Dublin on Wednesday, that place is huge and  it was packed. I don't like big crowds. I couldn't see the whites of the bands eyes, at least Brock Lindows sweat dripped on me. I am rambling now. I'll stop. The last thing Matt said was regarding the last e-mail. He explained why the interview is full of crazy symbols and I have removed them now. Other than that I found some picture of Matt and Mark when they were both in Pitchshifter and have put them on the site, somewhere! Well that is about it. When demo MP3 become available, I'll post some news and perhaps a little review of them.


News - 19 - 01 - 2003

It is with great sadness that I bring the news of Pitchshifter splitting up after 13 years together. Pitchshifter have many ties with The Blueprint, mainly one Mark Clayden, co-founder of Pitchshifter and The Blueprint and also Matt Grundy who played guitar with them between Deviant and PSI. This is a massive blow to the UK scene, especially after earthtone9 splitting up last year, and indeed music itself but we must not dwell on the past, the future is bright, the future is The Blueprint and the other projects that the band are up to. Pitchshifter will do you more tour of England, Scotland and is Swindon in Wales? No dates in Ireland, which is unfortunate but this is the way the cookie crumbles.  The good thing is that The Blueprint may now become more active but only time will tell.


RIP - Pitchshifter

1990 - 2003

Deviants Forever!

News - 19 - 3 - 2003

The band have recently updated the site with a new mp3 demo of Scorched Earth Policy. In my opinion it is brilliant, fantastic, I love it, if the rest of the forth coming EP is like this then .. well it will be really good whatever happens. Any good d/l this track cause it's killer. Also go buy Pitchshifter -Bootlegged, Distorted, Remixed and Uploaded, cause it's killer too and it's P.S.I.! Anyway the new site is currently under construction so bit's might not work just yet, so keep your undercrackers on and wait, it'll be better than last time, I promise*.

In other news I am sure all of you will have heard about the second EP, which the band are due to start recording on April 15th with Andy Sneap [he mixed the last Killswitch Engage album you know!] he also did the last EP with the band so I would assume their in good hands. Anyway we can expect maybe a mid to late May time for the release, that just my guess don't hold me to it.

I would also like to say good luck to Mark and the rest of Pitchshifter with the Final Tour, if anyone gets the chance to go see them take it, you may regret it if you don't.

*This promise has no guarantee associated with it.

News - 04/11/03

Well it's been a while since the last updated and a lot has happened since then, and as per usual not much of it directly concerns The Blueprint, what's new. They are however due to enter the studio soon to record the second EP, although I now believe it will be next month before they record.

Pitchshifter played their last gig to a sold out Astoria in London and are now no more, The Blueprint supported them and it was supposed to be a stormin' night, not to mention emotional as hell, hmm all those hormones! Mark has now got a bit more free time and I would guess that means a lot more time spent on The Blueprint.

Me, well I've had an event filled couple of weeks. First off I got a job! And they said I was unemployable! Hahahahahhaa! My new employers are the BP, or at least who ever owns this franchise, I am in the money now, or so I thought. Any way went out and spent much cash on The Used album, tis rather fan-fucking-tastic, Cave In's major label debut, Antenna, also rather good, Paul McCartney Back In The World for my mum, she's taken it back though, and tiny fighting men, couple of Stormtroopers and some Inquisitorial Henchmen. With ever high, there comes a low, mine is my skating accident, broken wrist, four days in hosiptal with operation and not being able to work. Hopefully I am gonna try to get the X-rays of my wrist and put them on the sit, sort of the blueprint of my hand with the wires in it. Anyway the cast comes off in two weeks and then another two weeks in a shorter cast and I'm done, until the next week when my AS-levels start. Hmm, revision.

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This site was last updated 04/23/03